Saturday, April 7, 2012

Whale, Dolphin Watching

 Today we went on a whale watching trip from the Santa Barbara Harbor. Though we only saw one whale at a distance, we did get to see some bottlenose dolphins swimming alongside the boat. This was the coolest thing ever! They were so close that we could even hear them squeaking at each other. I took a ton of shots but they were moving very fast so it was a real challenge just to capture them in the frame. The two photos here are the best. The buoy at the bottom is at the entrance to the harbor and apparently is always covered in seals. All in all, it was a super fun trip, and, since we only saw one whale at a distance, they gave us a rain check. So we get to do this again! 

1 comment:

  1. Great shots! All the spray gives the first two photos a real action-y feel. The pedantic part of me feels obliged to tell you that those are sea lions, not seals.
