Monday, August 22, 2011

The Captain

There really are no words to describe the immensity of El Capitan. It is unbelievably huge. Standing at the base looking up at this granite wall I was struck by how minuscule and insignificant I felt...then all I could think about was climbing it. Today we had a very tiny sampling of the Nose route by climbing the first pitch. It was fun, and supposedly a 5.6 (that means easy, usually), but run out and scary, or I was off route, we're not sure. There was a team of climbers ahead of us hauling up gear for a four day ascent of the Nose. Lots and lots of gear. On a photography note, this was taken with my 28 mm lens, so it's not as wide of a shot as my 18-55mm would have taken, but I left that lens in the car by mistake. Speaking of mistakes, Nell and I were playing around with night shots the night before and left the ISO at 1600, and I forgot to change it back to 100, so this shot is a bit grainy. 

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