Friday, August 26, 2011

Shades of Red

OK, in order to avoid decision fatigue, I'm going to not decide on just one picture, and post three. So there. Today I walked around work on my lunch break and ended up with three good shots, all with red in them. The picture above took several tries to get the background right. The two below are of eucalyptus leaves. The first one was a leaf that had fallen and gotten stuck on the side of the tree. I like the contrast in color and the texture of the shot. The second one was a few red leaves still on the tree. I was drawn to them because of the color, but I also like the curvy lines. 

1 comment:

  1. Ya know, photos can be printed on fabric...and then used in a quilt...just sayin' :) I like all three of these and the close up of the palm...big time.-Paige
