Saturday, August 20, 2011

Montana de Oro State Park and Morro Bay

Just a warning, I took a ton of great photos this weekend, so I'll likely be posting more than one for each day. You are duly warned. Today we drove up to Montana de Oro State Park, did some hiking, and then spent the night in Morro Bay. Our hike started off somewhat overcast and cloudy, then by the time we reached the top of Valencia Peak, it was shrouded in fog. The views on the way up were fantastic, even with the slight overcast sky. On the way down we were surrounded by wildflowers, so I took advantage of the lighting and took a lot of photos of flowers. Since I had so many come out great, I decided to post a few. Enjoy.
After our hike, as we were heading back to the hotel, I noticed Morro Bay half shrouded in fog with parts of the city sparkling in the evening sun, so I pulled over and snapped a few shots. This is cropped quite a bit, but I like the effect that the long narrow cut gives. I've always liked photos in this format. (This photo looks better if you click on it to view it larger.) I'm really glad this one came out nice.

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