Saturday, February 18, 2012

Fun Day at the Beach

Today we went to the beach to hang out with friends and play on the slack line. Well, mainly Paul played on the slack line and entertained the rest of us. He's pretty good and can do several tricks, including jumping in the air and landing back on the slack line. I took several shots of all of this, but the three below are the only ones that came out well, and none of him jumping. Both Maxine and I were having problems photographing Paul, so we went for a walk to find other subjects. That's when I noticed the random green bottle on the beach that was back lit by the sun. I think it's a pretty cool shot. The bottom photo is of a heron in the slough behind the beach.

1 comment:

  1. Great shots! You're right—your bottle picture looks almost exactly like mine. I really like the first shot of Paul as well. I was bummed that none of mine turned out well. Great job!
