Thursday, February 2, 2012

Humongous Blackberry and Abstract Hair

 For our photo shoot today, Maxine and I decided to photograph this abnormally huge blackberry that was on top of a cake she bought from the store. We tried placing several things next to the berry for scale, but we both had a really hard time getting the photo to come out. In hindsight, a ruler would have been the best for scale. Oh well. Also, while I was trying to take a shot, Maxine accidentally moved her head in front of my camera while she was also trying to get a shot. So I decided that her hair was more interesting than that silly berry. I snapped off a few shots just for fun.


  1. A ruler! My god, we're dumb. I'd completely forgotten about that berry; seeing this made me chuckle. Also, I like the shot of my hair.

  2. You all don't do much Science around here do ya?
