Friday, July 1, 2011

Bees Bees

I woke up late and the sun was already out in full force, which made it a bit bright for photographing. But, I got lucky with this shot. Lesson learned: be patient! I walked out the door with my camera set to a very narrow aperture, and the white balance on tungsten. I didn't realize this for the first 15 minutes because I was in a rush to get a good shot. Great shots don't come to those who rush.


  1. Keep at it! I failed at mine about 25 days in, but that's because I realized all my pictures were of snow and looked the same... on that note, it could be cool to do an experiment (or side experiment) and take a picture of the same everyday for a year.

  2. I like this layout! A header picture isn't really necessary when every post is a picture :)
