Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Front Light and Back light.

Tough day with the camera. I took about 170 pictures that were mostly horrible and/or out of focus. On a good note, I came up with two pictures that I like. The one above is a flower that I've taken pictures of several times. I just keep going back to it. The second shot I stole the idea from a photography book. As it turns out though, it's really hard to hold a flower seed head up towards the sun with one hand, and hold a camera with a 100 mm macro lens with the other hand, and take a picture. I like how the feathery bits of the flower are highlighted by the setting sunlight. These two shots are also somewhat opposite. The first one I pointed the camera away from the sun, which lit up the flower nicely and gave the sky a nice blue color. The second shot I pointed the camera in the direction of the sun. Both shots were taken within a couple minutes of each other. 

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