Friday, July 22, 2011

Walt Disney Concert Hall

Today Nell and I went to L. A. to see Les Miserables. We got there a bit early and discovered that it was across the street from the Walt Disney Concert Hall, a building by Frank Gehry. Since I had my camera with me, of course, I immediately wanted to take some shots. But we weren't there to take photos, we had things to do. Luckily after 16 quick shots, I came up with this one. Photo of the day? Check. We then walked around downtown L. A., had a very nice dinner, and enjoyed Les Miserables. This was my first time seeing it, and I loved it. They did a fantastic job. As far as the Walt Disney Concert Hall goes, in a couple of hours I could easily take more than a month's worth of really good, compelling photos of the building. I'm a fan of Frank Gehry's work. I love the vast variation of curves and lines and surfaces. It's a different building from every perspective that you see it. The kind of sculpture that I want to do would deal a lot with lines, surface and shape because this has always intrigued me. 

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