Wednesday, July 6, 2011


Hmmm, busy day. I worked all day, then had dinner, then had ceramics. I had about an hour of free time after ceramics so I decided to play around with some night photography. It took me a while to get this tree lit up so you could see it. I had to use my external flash and up the intensity. Which was kind of fun because it was my first time using it. It was a tough shot, and not the best composition, but by the time I got to this spot I only had a few minutes. Photographing car lights at night is fun because they add so much color to the picture. Oh, and interestingly enough, this was my very last shot of the day. 


  1. I like it, esp for having to work quickly. What settings did you use for it?

  2. Thanks, I'm glad you like it. I shot this with my 28mm, set at f11 with a 15 second shutter speed. The 15 second shutter speed was about the time it took 2 cars to go around the curve. The aperture was compromise between letting enough light in to see things, but not too much so that the car lights burnt everything out. I took a lot of shots with multiple settings. Oh, and as I said, I had the external flash bumped up to full power.
