Friday, September 16, 2011

Cambridge Highlights

Today I took Nell around to see all of the highlights of Cambridge, so naturally we visited the King's College Chapel. This time the light was coming in through the stained glass windows and sending rays of color into the chapel. I tried to capture this as best as possible. The lighting was tough, and the angle of the perspective was a little odd, but I'm pretty happy with the result.
Nell and I also went punting on the Cam. This basically means pushing a long narrow boat down the Cam, the river running through  Cambridge, using a long pole. This was quite fun, and definitely one of the highlights of our trip to Cambridge. Below is a photo of Nell punting, with the Bridge of Sighs behind her. 


  1. I love the punting picture! I like Nell's serious "don't mess with me, I'm punting!" expression.
