Sunday, September 11, 2011


Today I went out photographering with my photo buddy Maxine, and Nell came along for part of it. I made a pact with myself to leave my macro lens in my camera bag. I need to do this more often because I'm not as used to my other lenses, and thus did not get as many good shots as I'd hoped. Luckily Nell was there to pose for me. The first one she likes, the second one I like. So you get to see both. Also, next time I will try to get a better candid shot of Maxine, because I failed this time. That's another thing I need to work on, my candid shots.


  1. These look great! I like the composition of the first one and the colors of the second one. Your colors always come out so vivid--my pictures always look really washed out and so I end up saturating them in Photoshop. Oh, and the picture of you I used was really overexposed and I had to darken it a bit (although apparently I didn't do it quite enough). Some of the other shots of you came out better, but they didn't look candid AT ALL.

  2. Hey Maxine, a photography not on these, I took both shots in auto white balance mode, then switched them to shade white balance in the computer. This made the colors better, but if I'd just shot both in shade white balance I would not have had to change them in the computer.
