Friday, September 9, 2011


I'm feeling a bit better today, despite being diagnosed with an ear infection. I wondered around the garden area, as per usual. These flowers are part of a huge bunch of red flowers. I've taken photos of them before, but failed to come up with a good shot. I like this one because of the three stamens that kind of draw your eyes to them.


  1. Oh wow, those are beautiful.... If those are what I think they are, then you've managed to make me see them as something other then an irritant for a short while.

  2. The stamen really do draw the eye, but I also really like the sunlight on the edges of the flower.

  3. You don't like the bouganvilla? They're one of my favorite flowers around here. Are they secretly eeevil?

  4. Oh yeah, dealing with them in any kind of gardening endeavor is just about the worst thing ever.
