My good friend Nicole came up with the idea of walking on the beach from Coal Oil Point at the end of Goleta, all the way to downtown Santa Barbara. Lots of people seemed very excited about this idea, but in the end, only three of us showed up. (Though some people had very legitimate excuses.) They missed out, because it was awesome! The day started out foggy and grey, but the sun came out for quite a while in the middle of the day. The tide was also pretty low throughout the walk. The photo below is a tree at Goleta Beach that Nicole fell in love with. I like that I accidentally framed Paul between the tree trunks. The fifth photo is of Nicole and Paul on a giant driftwood teeter totter that we found. In the end, we didn't make it all the way on the beach to downtown, but most of the way. I had to quit early and get a ride home, while the others continued on sidewalks to downtown. Turns out that walking on sand is exhausting.
Nice photos! I really like that last one. I wish I would have been in town for this—looks like it was a lot of fun.