Saturday, October 22, 2011

Kill the Pumpkin!

Today we got to watch our friend Brett and his high school students shoot their potato guns which they built. Yay science! First they put up a metal and wood target to hit. After quite a few near and far misses, they moved the target closer, and bam, direct hit.
Then they put a pumpkin in front of the target to try to hit it. There were several very near misses:
Finally after all the kids had their shots, Brett took one last shot and killed the pumpkin!!!
I had a lot of fun with this. It was a challenge. Setting the camera at the fastest shutter speed I could get with the available light, and not to mention the timing. All of these shots were total luck, but I'm pretty happy with them. 


  1. I know you'd said that you managed to catch the "poof" from one of the guns, but I didn't realize it was going to look this awesome. Love it!

  2. These are awesome. Do you have any that we could use on the website? (E.g. the first one.)
