Monday, October 10, 2011

More Shadowplay

Today was ceramics, and I got a new piece out of the kiln! I was extremely happy with how it came out, so I decided to take some pictures of it. One of the main things I like about my ceramics is the form, so I'm really liking using shadow in my photo to emphasize the shape. Let me know what you think. Oh, and in this one I used my flash to get a sharp shadow. I also tried using a white blanket as the background, but in the end I decided on the plane white wall because I liked the harshness of it, and it makes me feel like the piece is a thief caught in the cop's spotlight in a deserted building...or something.

1 comment:

  1. This is really nice! Is there some way you could have gotten a more distinct shadow of the lower portion (the stand and the bottom of the ring)? I don't know the mechanics behind getting shadows, so maybe it's not doable...
