Monday, October 31, 2011

Red Rock Canyon Day 3...Early Morning Sun and Sport Climbing

This morning I woke up early to try to catch the sunrise and failed, but I was able to catch the early morning sun on the mountains so I got some great shots. I love the lighting on this one, too bad I'm not much of a morning person. The little white camper in the bottom of the photo is our campsite. The shot below is sort of a self portrait. I was hiking along and noticed my really long shadow, so naturally I took a photo.
After breakfast, some of us went sport climbing at one of our favorite walls: Panty Wall. Below is a nice perspective shot of Nell belaying Paul on one of his lead climbs, and yes that's the color of the rock, I did not alter the photo. Oh, and Paul rocks.
Below is the same photo as the first one, just cropped differently. You may have noticed that I like these long and narrow cropped photos.
Just as a warning, I took a mega butt load of photos the next day and quite a lot of them turned out awesome so tomorrow's post will be rather large.

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