Tuesday, November 1, 2011

OMG! I posted the rest of the Red Rocks pictures!

Today Ritwik and I got up early to catch the sun rising over Vegas. I was able to get quite a few great shots. The one above is my favorite because the sun is just peeking over the distant mountains. On the hike back I took some close up shots of a joshua tree. 
Then I drove around the park to photograph the morning sun on the mountains. I got quite a few good shots, but I had to narrow it down to just this one.
Once I got back to camp, we set out for some climbing. We went to a sport crag that we had seen on the first day. While everyone was climbing, I spent a little time playing with my camera and found this desert flower with some striped rock behind it. I like the tree-like look of this plant. 
Then Nell and Ritwik decided to do battle with a beautiful, hard climb on an overhanging arete. The sun was in just about the perfect spot and I got tons of great shots. 

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