Sunday, November 6, 2011

Farmer's Market and Evening Sunlight

Today we decided to go to the local farmer's market, so I took my camera with me. Sooo much color! I took a lot of shots, but the lighting was either full sun or shade, or both, so it wasn't as easy as I thought. But, after looking at the shots I took, I now have a lot more ideas for photos, so maybe another visit sometime. 
Later that evening, my photo buddy Maxine and I decided to take advantage of the nice evening lighting and photograph some flowers and leaves and such. The lighting was beautiful, but for once none of my flower pictures turned out very well. Luckily Maxine noticed some fun leaves on a tree with interesting shadows. A few of these shots came out OK, but I really need to work on my focus and depth of field. Speaking of which, I found another rose bush with super thorny branches, so I played around with different perspectives and depths of field and came up with the shot below. I took a ton of these shots and had a lot of fun.

1 comment:

  1. Nice shots! I especially like the first one—it could totally be used in an ad for berries (if berries needed such promotion... which they don't).
