Sunday, November 13, 2011

Gorgeous Sunset

Today Maxine and I wanted to catch the evening sun on some flowers and such in the garden, but we misjudged the timing so it was a bit dark by the time we got out there. Lucky for us, it was a gorgeous sunset. We found a good vantage point above the slough. Even though we had to stand on sketchy, random pieces of junk along a chain link fence, both of us were able to get a ton of great shots. I played around with different perspectives and different lenses, and I zoomed in to specific areas to try to get a lot of different shots. Oh, and not that it matters, but I didn't do any adjustments to either of these shots.

1 comment:

  1. The first picture especially is gorgeous. It's funny though—your pictures and mine look totally different. I tweaked mine a little if I remember correctly, but not much.
