Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Blue Smoke

For our weekly photo, Maxine came up with the idea of photographing the smoke from a burning incense stick. This turned out to be really challenging, but eventually we pulled it off. Unfortunately for me, we sorted out the best lighting after I had taken my photos, so Maxine ended up with a much better shot. See her photo here. We lit this with my small LED light. For mine we pointed the light from the direction of the camera, for hers we pointed the light from behind the incense. I was surprised that the smoke came out looking so cool, so I think I want to do something similar again.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, you could have set up your camera again for the different lighting! :) Your shot came out really well though. The stick part of the incense definitely looks way better in your photo than in mine. Good job!
