Sunday, November 20, 2011

Big Sur Day 2 Rain and Rainbows

Maxine, Nell and I woke up this morning to rain. Well, more accurately, we woke up to a horrendously loud torrential down poor pounding on our tent sometime in the middle of the night. Luckily the rain abated long enough for us to pack up the tent and load the car in the morning. It even let us get out of the car to take photos several times during the day. Unfortunately, because of the weather, the lighting for most of these photos wasn't very good. I did manage to catch two rainbows though! One of them was coming right out of this little canyon. If we would of been thinking, we should have ran over to the end of the rainbow to find the pot of gold. It was right there!

1 comment:

  1. Oh whatevs, your pictures turned out amazing! The overcast sky just adds to the stark beauty of the scenery. Great rainbow picture too.
