Sunday, October 30, 2011

Red Rock Canyon Day 2...Burros, Tarantulas, and Colorful Rocks

Today started off with a tarantula joining us for breakfast, though I think he was just passing through. Nell and Ritwik went off to climb an 11 pitch route, so the rest of us decided to hike the canyon where their climb was. On the hike into the canyon a curious wild burro decided to come up to us and say hi. I think he thought that we'd feed him, so once he figured out that we had no food for him, he casually walked away. But, not before I got some great shots of him. As I was crouched down to take his photo, he kept moving closer. I think that if I'd let him move any closer he'd have tried to eat my camera. I think the shot of him might be my favorite photo of the trip. 
Below is a view of the canyon where we hiked and Nell and Ritwik climbed. The route they did is somewhere just to the left of the very middle of the photograph. 
Once we got into the canyon, the trail turned into boulder hopping and it was full of beautiful colored rocks. I took so many photos of colorful rocks that I had a hard time choosing what to post. 
Below is a shot of what most of the trail looked like in the canyon. All three of these boulders are the size of a small car, and you can see the variance of color. It really was a gorgeous hike.
The sun was pretty low, once we finally made our way out of the canyon, and it was lighting up the opposite side of Red Rocks perfectly, so I snapped off several great shots. Oh, and just an FYI, I took over 1000 photos over 4 days in Red Rocks. 

1 comment:

  1. I said it before when you showed me, but I'll say it again: the burro picture is seriously the best thing ever!
